Welcome to the future of Buying and Selling Metal. Start working smarter, not harder…
Are You Losing Money?
Is your valuable floor space cluttered with surplus that could be generating your company additional revenue by having that space freed up?

Are You Wasting Time?
How much time are you spending sourcing your regular metal needs as well as the more difficult to find steel types, grades, and sizes?
Are You a Steel Hoarder?
Are you holding onto metal inventory due to your original investment cost with the hopes of possibly using it one day because scrapping the materials doesn’t appeal to you?


The fastest, easiest, and most advantageous way to buy and sell your metal!
MetalDiscounts.com connects buyers and sellers of new and surplus metal inventory easily.
Are You Buying Metal?
Are you Buying Metal? Get instant access to 1000s of Metal distributors throughout North America with over 100,000 inventoried metal types, grades, and sizes.

Are You Selling Metal?
Are you selling Metal? Easily add your inventory to Metal Discounts and instantly get exposure to 1000s of metal buyers.
Over 20 Years of Experience
Metal Discounts has over 20 years of experience assisting in the buying and selling of new and surplus materials.

Ready to Grow Your Business?
Metal Discounts allows you to focus on the more important tasks, like growing your business while saving you time, space, and creating unforeseen revenue opportunities.

Frequently Asked Questions
What is Metal Discounts?
Metal Discounts is a new metal warehouse that virtually catalogues all materials by profiles, steel type, grade, size, and lengths. The inventory is a combination of full-length and cut to size materials as well as drops and surplus materials from business owners looking to recoup a return on their original investment.
How do I use Metal Discounts?
Simply create an account to post your new or surplus metals for a quick sale or create an account to search the inventory for your purchase.
Are there any contracts or commitments required using Metal Discounts?
There are no contractual obligations to buy or sell on Metal Discounts.
How much does it cost to use Metal Discounts?
Metal Discounts is free to post your metal inventory for sale and search for metal to buy once you create an account.
Are there any hidden fees when using Metal Discounts?
There are no hidden fees. When you list your new or surplus metals on Metal Discounts, we add our fees to the sale price.
Can I buy & sell metal using one account?
You only need one account to sell or buy on Metal Discounts.
How do I pay for my purchase when using Metal Discounts?
Metal Discounts accepts credit card payments and offers terms on approved accounts.
How does freight work?
Delivery options are available for you to choose during a material request.
How do I get paid once my surplus material is sold on Metal Discounts?
Metal Discounts will send all payments to the material owner by e–transfer within 15 days of the shipment date.
I have more questions about Metal Discounts before joining... How do I contact you?
You can email us at mike@metaldiscounts.com
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